A pretty Cheshire barn wedding - Natasha & Ed

What a weekend!  I was up in Sheffield on Thursday ready for the Rock Your Shot workshop on Friday (awesome... managed to get through my talking bit without my mouth drying up completely and actually LOVED it!)... then Saturday I headed to the very edge of Cheshire for this beaut of a wedding at Sandhole Oak Barn and Sunday's wedding was in Leeds (coming next to the blog). 

It was a wet start but the rain eventually gave way to sunshine and the most beautiful sunset - the good old British weather... always surprising us.  Natasha looked absolutely exquisite in her bespoke Angelina Colarusso dress (that neckline... amazing) as she married her very own Mr Darcy. 

Ed politely refused his wife's request to follow in the footsteps of Colin Firth and strip down to his shirt and trousers and hop in the lake.  It IS October though.  So Natasha let him off. 

Natasha & Ed... I hope you are having the most wonderful relaxing honeymoon.  Enjoy these previews and catch up when you get back!   xxx


Bright, colourful Nunsmere Hall wedding with glitter beard, pirate squeezebox and badger cake - Laura & Matt


A beautiful, stylish village hall wedding, Northamptonshire - Sarah & Richard sneak previews