A wee trip to Scotland...

So I can no longer say I never win things.  Because thanks to Mr P pointing it out to me, I shared a photo from Scaramanga's Facebook page... and only went and bloody won a night at the beautiful Balbirnie House and £250 to spend at Scaramanga, one of our favourite shops.  I was GIDDY!

The break away forced me to stop working and it couldn't have come at a better time, mid wedding season!  So we headed up to Balbirnie via the posh M6 services at Tebay for a little picnic by the lake and arrived to find the most enormous, beautiful bedroom waiting for us along with a bottle of champagne and strawberries. We were then treated to a delicious 4 course dinner in the restaurant which we washed down with plenty of wine.  I was quite tipsy, I realised, for the first time in months.  I rarely drink at weekends as I usually have at least one  wedding and whilst I might have one or two after a wedding, that's usually about it.  So it was just lovely to be drunk and daft and have a giggle with Mr P on a weekend!   These are a few pics I took on my Fuji x100 and my iPhone. 

The following morning we went to Scaramanga to spend our vouchers (and then some) - it didn't take long... we'd been scouring the website for weeks beforehand.  We had a bit of a tour and Carl showed us some of the amazing things they now sell and upcycle.  Old Indian wedding chests and beautiful old furniture.

Carl wanted 'presentation' photos so we had to oblige!

After bidding farewell to the lovely Carl and Eilidh we headed off with our car smelling like a tannery. It was VERY wet that morning and we spotted a lovely farm shop so we stopped off to sniff the bread and replenished our liquids a little, given the slight hangovers.  Then the sun came back out and we got to do our little coastal tour of Fife, finishing up back in Anstruther to have tea at the Anstruther Fish Bar which was very highly recommended to us - and did not disappoint.  I had local Pittenweem prawns and fresh calamari and Mr P opted for a traditional fish suppper.  DELICIOUS.

Another lovely evening was spent at Balbirnie along with a few cocktails and the next day we headed for home over the Forth Bridge, via Falkirk for morning coffee with The Kelpies and then stopped off for an organic all singing all dancing burger at the other Tebay services.  :)

We both absolutely loved Fife and we want to go back with the dog very soon. He'd absoutely love it.  :)  Thank you to Balbirnie House for making our stay so pleasant but most of all thanks to Scaramanga!  xx


Amy & Karl's sunshine & sunflowers Chester wedding


Hope Street Hotel & Oh Me Oh My wedding, Liverpool - Emma & Shane sneak previews