Fer Juaristi - Learning from the best....

Bride and groom vintage styling


In photography you never stop learning... or looking for inspiration, be it from other photographers or the world around us.

I went to Aspire Photography Training for the former. To learn from one of the very best in the business. Fer Juaristi. I have to admit here and now, I was not familiar Fer's work. Guess I've been living under a rock? Anyway... I saw this image and fell in love with his work right there and then.



I immediately hit Google and spent the next hour poring through Fer's blog... in awe of his incredible work. Fer's style is a mix of fine art, photo journalism and editorial fashion and I would happily hang any of his photos on my wall, regardless of the fact that I do not know the couple. They are works of art.

For me, meeting a photographer of this calibre can be a little daunting but Fer 'the Mexican monkey' is quite simply one of the nicest people ever.  Humble, honest, funny, incredible generous and above all, passionate.

Fer shared his story, his life, his ideas, his visions, his own inspirations... everything. All laid out for us to digest, remix (copyright Fer!) and use for our own photography businesses.



On top of all this I got to meet the incredibly talented photographers who were attending the course alongside me and the gorgeous Jodie and Greg Chapman who very kindly modelled for us despite the mud. Jodie is a photographer whose work I have admired for a very long time. Starstruck? Moi?

I travelled home happy... bursting with ideas, hugely inspired and with very muddy Converse. :)  Thank you to everyone at Aspire, to my fellow attendees, to Jodie & Greg and of course to the man himself for making this an incredible day.



Afflecks Palace - Marry Me Ink shoot em up!


How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it...