366 Project Claire Penn 366 Project Claire Penn

366 project

So I have tried this before.... well, I tried a 365 project.  This is one whole day longer thanks to Leap Day. Last time I failed.

I lasted 66 days.

365 project

I made the decision to try again at about 1am on 2nd January after my first day without cigarettes in many years [so yes, that may have had something to do with it].  As such I hadn't taken a specific photo on 1st Jan so I had to go with a crappy photo of my very short to-do list for 2012!   I'll post them here weekly or monthly.

This time I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't stick to 'the rules' 100% - although I will try to.  But if I forget one day, I'll shoot two the next day.  No biggie.  No one died.

I'm also going to use the phone camera most of the time as it's always with me so I'm giving myself a greater chance of success. Plus they've come a long way in over 3 years.  :)

Wish me luck please people!

C x

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