Engaged! Claire Penn Engaged! Claire Penn

(Cheshire Wedding Photographer) 'I will always remember the day the sun shone dark on your hair...

...and I forgot where we were & kissed you lightly on the nose & suddenly there was no more secret.' ~ Storypeople

Secrets.  I can be trusted with them.  This I have discovered. I never used to be good at keeping secrets… when I was a kid I was useless in fact… but now I’m a bit of a pro.

Chester wedding photographer

It’s just one of the many great things about my job, I get to know the good news first.  :)   A few years back I was lucky enough to photograph a very good friend's wedding and that was a BIG fat secret.  That was a tough one to keep in… very tough… I didn’t reply to texts or phone calls for weeks.  But I did it.

I’ve known Katie for about 8 years as we used to work at the same place but I hadn't seen her for years (oh apart from that night at the pub with the  'psychic' dude, remember that Katie?!!).  Then she got in touch a few years back and booked a session for her and her two gorgeous boys.  We had such a good time and have kept in touch ever since. Funny how things work out.

Anyway Katie decided to book a session with me for her & her boyfriend Jonathan as a Valentine's gift.  She wanted some beautiful photos of the two of them, a special treat and something they can look back on in years to come and just remember...

Little did she or I know (although I bet the psychic dude knew) that this session months later would end up being their engagement session!

We all met at Marbury Park and I will always remember the look on Katie's face... "we've got a secret..." and then she shoved out her hand in front of me with a huge grin on her face.  Jonathan's grin was just as wide.

I will admit to getting a little teary eyed... I've never seen two people more happy.  Honestly, it was infectious.

Katie & Jonathan... thank for trusting me, thank you for being such a good sports with the hot pink brolly on such a busy day in the park and thank you for booking me to shoot your wedding next year.  I cannot WAIT.  xxxx

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