Personal, Travel photography Claire Penn Personal, Travel photography Claire Penn

Portmeirion Village (for the love of turquoise)

Now I don't know what made me think of Portmeirion today while I was out and about, perhaps it was the sunshine and bright blue of the sky... but it came to mind and I remembered my visit there last June with my dear friend Sue Darby (a wonderful friend and photographer from NYC).  I had literally taken hundreds of photos and done nothing with them.  What a waste. So I last night I decided to revisit, do a quick edit and blog them.  I just adore all the beautiful colours and the stunning architecture.  Oh and the abundance of turquoise!  Seriously, is this not the prettiest house you ever did see?

Those of you who don't know about this little gem of a place should add it to your 'places to see' list - it's a must visit: Portmeirion.  Anyway I'll leave you with the photos - on the day I set myself a loose theme of windows and doors (hence there are quite a few!) but a few bits of scenery crept in too.  :)

And one of the coolest trees I've ever seen.....


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