A travel themed wedding, Langdale Chase, the Lake District - Jenny & Scott

The Lake District was the setting for last Sunday's beautiful wedding and the weather was a little damp to say the least but Jenny & Scott weren't going to let that spoil their wonderful travel themed wedding with an international cast of family & friends.

The outdoor ceremony was off and instead they got married in the most beautiful hallway on a staircase in front of all their loved ones - occasionally joined by their little girl Lila who is frankly too cute for words.

There was Mexican street food which looked and smelled incredible, more food (check out the menu), heartfelt speeches, a pinata and lots and lots of dancing.  Check out Jenny's Mick Jagger.  Amazing. 

Jenny & Scott - I hope you've had a wonderful week in the Lakes with your families.  Enjoy these previews and thank you for being patient! xxx

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