In Bruges...

If Amsterdam and Venice got to know one another in the biblical sense.... and had a love child.... Bruges is what it would look like. No hitmen and definitely no Colin Farrell (sadly)... just beautiful surroundings, great beer and 3 full days to spend with hubbo relaxing on our first 'leap' anniversary.  Our last few holidays have been Stateside so we were longing for a European holiday and Bruges was perfect.  Quiet, charming, friendly... good for the soul.

I haven't really had time to sort these properly so excuse the slapdash order.... day one was beautiful blue skies, day two was grey and drizzly and by the time it went dark it was torrential rain (so you see I suffered for my art getting those night shots!) and day three was a washout hence 'travel only' pics.

Anyway... here is Bruges, as I see it...

Trains, planes and automobiles...

And to finish, the view from our loft apartment after our first full day in Bruges....



Astrophotography.... Venus & Jupiter


Coworth Park, Ascot engagement shoot - Lisa & Al sneak peeks