Coworth Park, Ascot engagement shoot - Lisa & Al sneak peeks

Yesterday was a great day.

I travelled down to Ascot to the stunning Coworth Park to meet Lisa & Al for their engagement shoot.  The journey was pleasant (thanks to the route advice of many over on Facebook!) and although I travelled through some fairly yucky weather, I was hopeful.

I arrived with enough time to drive around the estate (yes drive!) and truly get a feel for the place.  Here's a quickie of the house snapped on my phone - this really doesn't do it justice:

I've been chatting to Lisa for so long over email and on the phone about this shoot and their wedding, it was so good to finally meet her and her gorgeous husband-to-be Al.   Lisa had so many ideas for the shoot and had brought cute little books, hats and other props (as had I) and changes of clothes... so organised!  The sun shone for most of the afternoon and at times it was just like a summer's day...

The highlight of the shoot though had to be the three glasses of champagne that were brought out to us.... I could so get used to that on every shoot!  Huge thanks to Coworth Park for looking after us so wonderfully and allowing us to take over the grounds.  (Luckily the champagne was early on... and I only drank half as I was driving...  actually I went to drink the second half but a family of small flies had moved in and decided to take a dip... bugger)

I drove home with a huge smile on my face....  having met two of the loveliest people, whose wedding I will have the pleasure of sharing in June.   There was a beautiful sunset as I headed back up the motorway, the radio was on... and I may, at one point, have sang along to 'I've had the time of my life' at full pelt.   Ahem...

Anyway.... I got to thinking about this 'job' of mine... all these wonderful places I get to go, the fun I get to have and above all the amazing people I get to meet.   And in that moment I felt so totally blessed... and very very thankful.  <3


In Bruges...


366 project : February