Childhood sweethearts Kelly & Lee's village hall wedding - Saddleworth, Greater Manchester

So my second wedding of last weekend was Kelly & Lee's.  I first met Kelly about 6 years ago when I photographed the twins, Darcey and Lucas, who were just about walking.  Seeing those photographs up on the walls made me feel a little old (!) but also incredibly proud of how far I've come since those days of working every weekend and doing a full time day job.  Not THAT much has changed as far as the hours go, come to think of it, but my boss now is way less of a dick. ;-)

Anyway, the thing I remember most about Friday was just how incredibly happy and smiley Kelly & Lee were.... it was infectious.  These guys are chilldhood sweethearts and have been together already for 20 years.  They met at a local playground so it seemed fitting that we ended up on the playing field at the back of the village hall! 

From Kelly's grand entrance with the bridesmaids in vintage American army jeeps complete with outriders and sirens (AMAZING) to the transformation of the village hall by the ever wonderful Saddleworth Shindigs, it was an absolute honour to be a part of. 

I hope you have had an incredible honeymoon in Barcelona guys!  Enjoy these previews. xxx

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Village fete style wedding, Gladstone's Library, North Wales - Lucy & Phil sneak previews


The Great Hall at Mains wedding, Poulton-le-Fylde - Rebecca & Gary previews