Village fete style wedding, Gladstone's Library, North Wales - Lucy & Phil sneak previews

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness -  William Ewart Gladstone

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It's hard to really put into words how incredible Saturday was... I have probably never laughed or cried so much.  The ceremony was lead by Lucy's Godmother (and quite possibly the first female Bishop to perform a marriage ceremony in Great Britain) and that fact, along with the hauntingly beautiful choir from Lucy's school made it incredibly moving.  Both me and my second shooter, none other than the fabulous Andrea Ellison, were a bit of a mess by the end, along with most of the guests.

Then there was the location of the village fete style wedding reception - Gladstone's Library.  Somewhere less than a few miles from where I grew up and yet had never been, until Saturday.  And somewhere that Lucy was lucky enough to grow up and call home (well, the house in the grounds).

There were so many wonderful details... the bright coloured hand-cut confetti made by the beautiful bridesmaids, the little bags of bread given out to everyone so they could feed the ducks at the pond just round the corner from the church, the black cabs as wedding cars (best ever in my book), all the village fete style games (hook a duck, splat the rat, tin can alley, lucky dip, skittles, hula hoops), the handmade origami cranes, pom-poms, pies, a cake of cheese and a bouncy castle... I could go on.   OH... and an awesome flash-mob first dance to Farrell's 'Happy'.

And finally, the people.  Every last one.  I bumped into Judith, a dear friend to my Mum before she passed away, and someone I've not seen in over 20 years.  Also Carol the lovely Cheshire registrar was there on a rare Saturday off - and I once again told her that she married me & Mr P.  Apologies Carol!  : )   And of course the rest of the friends and family - all totally brilliant.  I would in fact like to steal all of Lucy & Phil's friends but in particular the bridesmaids who just made me smile all day long.  Oh and for Helen (Lucy's Mum) to please adopt me.

Which just leaves Lucy & Phil... two of the most chilled out, warm, lovely and fun people you could ever wish to meet.  This was without doubt one of my favourite weddings because of... well... everything.  So, THANK YOU both for choosing me to be your photographer.   I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon, enjoy these previews and we'll catch up soon.  Lots of love guys.  xxxx


The Ashes wedding, Staffordshire - Steph & Chris sneak previews


Childhood sweethearts Kelly & Lee's village hall wedding - Saddleworth, Greater Manchester