Marsfield wedding, Sydney, Australia - Jen & George

So jet lag officially sucks eh? After an 8 hour delay in Honk Kong coming back I'm pretty much good for nothing right now.  

But it was totally worth it... I had an absolutely wonderful time over in Australia (I KNOW!) for Jen & George's wedding... thank you guys for trusting me, for flying me all the way across the world and for your hospitality (and that of your lovely neighbours Kasia & Jason - such amazing hosts!).  

The wedding was beautiful, everyone was just bloody brilliant, I felt like one of the gang and it was an absolute pleasure from start to finish. So good to see Amy & Karl again too, one year on from their wedding - happy anniversary and belated honeymoon in Bali guys.  <3

Mr & Mrs Wilson - I wish you the happiest of futures together with your beautiful dogs (give Patch a cuddle from me please - Jen I specifically want you to do that... ).  Enjoy the rest of your minimoon and catch up soon. Loads of love. xxx

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York Minster, Jane Austen themed wedding - Lucy & her very own Mr Darcy


Amy & Karl's sunshine & sunflowers Chester wedding