Alexanders & Manley Mere Wedding: Dawn & Dil

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? ~ Fanny Brice
Manley Mere wedding Cheshire


Every good blog post needs a Fanny quote, right?   I just thought it was so fitting for Dawn & Dil's wedding. They did exactly what they wanted to do, where they wanted to do it (Alexanders Jazz & Comedy Club) and HOW they wanted to do it.

This was a wonderful day. Quite simply, one of the best weddings I have ever had the pleasure of attending. Yes, attending.  Because you see I wore two hats to this wedding (metaphorically speaking - I can never get actual hats to fit my huge head) - my guest hat and my photographer hat. I've known Dawn & Dil for about 10 years and they are about the nicest people you could wish to meet. They weren't having a photographer so I offered to take my camera along and made no promises given that I would be partaking in the odd glass of fizz... or Pimms... or anything else that was offered to me!

Friends I hadn't seen for an age... Pimms... Dawn's simple yet stunning Diane von Furstenberg moss green dress... post ceremony open-mic session and Play Your Cards Right complete with Brucie and his 'dolly dealers'... Pimms... more Pimms... *hic*... Hawaiian flower leis... a double decker bus ride through the Cheshire countryside... a beautiful sunset over Manley Mere... delicious cupcakes (made by my very talented best friend Nicola)... and a first dance to Zorba The Greek.  EPIC. (Stay tuned to the end if you can for a little bonus extra)

D&D... thank you for letting me be a part of your magnificently unique day. xxxx


The cheeky chappy doing a stand up slot in the pale grey suit and purple tie is my friend Sean.... I'm amazed I got any clear shots as I was shaking and had tears in my eyes from the laughter. If you are lucky enough to be friends with Sean you will get, every birthday without fail, your own personalised poem.

So to finish, excerpts from Dawn & Dil's special wedding poem, by Sean Conway. Thank you for letting me share!

Dil set out for Chester

His pockets full of leeks

Buoyed up by choral lah-de-dah

He yearned for urban streets


He descended from Mount Snowdon

Said this town is not so great

But he'd only got to Blacon

A fortuitous mistake


He spied a wondrous vision

Dark hair down to her toes

Tucking in his flowery pants

Said "let's see how this one goes?"


They bought a place in Notting Hoole

A good deal for a fiver

Dil showed off his DIY

And now it's worth a fiver


Dil was once a real rock star

On the Telfords scene at least

But his talent was not recognised

And his guitar now rarely speaks


They head for Greece about once a month

Know the pilot by first name

They've taken shares, the country's theirs

They'd never consider Spain


So now we're here,15 years on

We've finally got the party

We wish them well,our Dawn and Dil

Their future's looking perky


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