Hope Street Hotel wedding, Liverpool: Raelene & Neil

It rained... and I mean RAINED.... on Raelene & Neil's wedding day.  Lucky, they say.  And then pretty much right on cue, as they said 'I do'... out came the sunshine.  It was perfect. This was a beautiful, understated wedding with nearest and dearest, some of whom had travelled an awfully long way.  Rae is Australian so obviously wanted her family to be there - and despite the fact that they arranged the wedding from start to finish in just 2 ½ months they managed to have guests present from Australia, Singapore and the US!   Rae's Mum even made the wedding cake!  Her own special recipe carrot cake which is their favourite, decorated with Australian native flowers.   I'm guessing she made that after she arrived....  : )

The venue was the beautiful Hope Street Hotel in Liverpool with its incredible views over the city from the roof terrace.   Perfect for pre-dinner drinks as the sun was setting behind the Liver Building.  I had arrived early to scout around for some nice photo locations near the hotel and as well as the famous suitcases sculpture 'A case history' I also found a gorgeous cobbled street round the corner where I'd seen a really cute restaurant with tables outside.  (Luckily they had dried them off!)

Turns out it was the exact restaurant that Neil had taken Rae to on their first date....   serendipity strikes again!


The best man had a bit of a wager on... with everybody... even Rae....  and set about with a bucket to collect his winnings once the marriage was all signed and sealed... keep an eye out for that!   And in the evening, everyone was treated to a fab video that Rae's parents had put together - lots of photos of the two of them growing up... bad hair, bad clothes... the lot.   Brilliant.

Rae & Neil, thank you for being so totally chilled out and for letting me share and record your happy day.  I loved every second.   I know you will be extremely happy together.  xxxx


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