Culzean Castle wedding, Scotland - Lindsay & Andrew sneak previews

I've been ITCHING to show you some of the photographs from Wednesday's wedding up in Ayrshire... it was everything I imagined it would be and more - the most unexpected thing being the weather - forecast was grey cloud and heavy rain all day... actually it was cracking the flags and all topped off with a glorious sunset over the ocean.  Add to that an incredible Terry Fox dress, stunning veil, the BEST Laboutins ever, handsome dudes in beautiful kilts, Harley the dog, a piper, the quirkiest and most beautiful flowers I've seen in a long time and the magnificent setting of Culzean.  Sheer awesomeness. I don't think I've ever witnessed a more beautiful ceremony - my first humanist ceremony and hopefully not my last - the couple wrote letters to one another which Maggie the wonderful celebrant read out.  Not a dry eye in the house, mine included.

Lindsay & Andrew.... I LOVED every second (well maybe apart from the brut force midge attack) - I feel honoured to have played a small part in your day.  Thank you.  Here are just a few previews. xxxxx    P.S. Happy birthday Andrew!



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