The Ashes wedding, Staffordshire - Steph & Chris sneak previews

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Well as usual I've posted way too many previews but hey, it's hard to choose when you have a couple and a wedding as beautiful as this.  I love these guys and their friends and family - despite initially feeling a bit rotten being full of cold, I had the BEST time with you all... rapping & twerking (them not me), renditions of the Fresh Prince theme tune, WINEGATE (sorry again Seb, hope I'm still forgiven), many giggles with the very lovely Laura Jane Dale (videographer extraordinaire) and the gorgeous girl who thought my business card said Claire P0rn Photography and suggested a rebrand.   What a day!

Chris aka 'the natural' - you excelled yourself in front of the camera and Steph, you looked absolutely exquisite!   Between you?  Utterly RIDICULOUS.   Thank you for being brilliant fun, have a happy happy honeymoon and see you when you get back!  Love & hugs xxxxx

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